- Generous tot of a good single malt whisky
- 1 tbsp Cane & Bean Ginger Syrup
- 1 tsp Cane & Bean Lemon Syrup
- 1 tsp honey
- Top up with hot water and garnish with a slice of lemon and a cinnamon stick (optional)
- A pinch of coarse ground black pepper

Cane & Bean Whisky Hot Toddy Recipe
Add the whisky, Ginger syrup, Lemon Syrup and honey to a glass, top up with hot water and garnish with a slice of lemon, a cinnamon stick
And add a pinch of coarse ground black pepper. Perfect for those cold winter evenings sat in front of a roaring fire.
Hot toddies work really well with all of our syrups, why not experiment with different flavour combinations and perhaps use brandy or rum as the base spirit?